Addictive Behaviors

I coach women leaders who are successful externally but struggling internally. Individuals stressed to the max, on the verge of burn-out, and who want to stop consuming alcohol or engaging in other unhealthy habits and behaviors because they are impacting their personal and professional lives.

Stress is damaging at work and home

After spending nearly three decades working in leadership and counseling positions in the non-profit sector, I know the damage that stress, and burnout can do to over-achievers. Alcohol is commonly used to decrease feelings of anxiety or stress and it is touted as a social lubricant. Because alcohol is legal and widely accepted in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between casual use and abuse. I am the creator of the 90-day Alcohol-Free Intensive Coaching Program and I have coached leaders in various industries including IT, healthcare, business, and throughout the globe.

Links between leadership and addiction

People are often promoted to positions of leadership and management without having any formal training in either. While some rise to the occasion and function well in their new positions, others struggle. The high levels of stress they experience in their roles may make them even more susceptible to addiction and mental health issues. At the same time, there may be more pressure on them to hide a condition, due to the stigma.

Self-awareness is a powerful tool

CEOs and other C-suite leaders aren’t exempt from the price an addictive dependence can exact on one’s career and personal life. As a successful leader, you may indulge in excessive drinking as a “reward” for all the stress you endured during the day and your successes at work. The adage, “work hard, play hard” is a very common theme in both for-profit and non-profit companies. Understanding the reasons why you drink is the first step on the journey to recovery.

The path to success

Quitting on your own is a complicated process, and people often have greater success with some kind of coaching, support group, or medication to help things go more smoothly. Regardless of the path you choose, the most important thing is finding an approach you can stick with. I will help you make a solid plan to identify triggers and develop coping strategies for cravings and self-care.