How Coaching Works

Coaching is an interactive experience where we discover your goals and your passions and use them to help you travel down a path to the life you want. We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with me as your coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

This is how the journey begins

The first step is a free well-being session which is a conversation about coaching, the process, and how it works. We discuss your vision and how you can flourish in your life. A compelling vision identifies what people want, rather than what they don’t want. This holds true for every area of life. This 30-minute session is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and to discuss your own personal vision of well-being in every facet of your life.

When you are ready to start, the second step will be to take the time to review a formal coaching agreement and the ICF ethics. Depending on the type of coaching package you select you will receive an assessment to complete to determine where you are currently and where you want to go. Once coaching sessions began, every session you determine the focus, measure of success, meaning, and agenda for the conversation.

During the coaching process, I also use assessments to identify areas for change, growth, and self-awareness. One example is the VIA (Values in Action Inventory) Character Strengths Survey along with exercises and tools to help you flourish. Each coaching relationship is unique. This is because each client is unique and what will serve them at the moment varies.

Is it confidential?

Coaches abide by the same confidentiality rules as therapists. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) contains a privacy rule that creates national standards to protect individuals' medical records and personal health information, including information about coaching sessions.

How long does it typically take to see results?

The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process.