How I Can Help

Coaching works!

I focus on your specific strengths, values, and goals to help you realize your full potential. I assist you in managing stress levels, altering habits, and identifying long term goals while setting smaller, attainable steps to reach those goals. 

How I Can Help You

I can help you discover new thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perceptions, and actions that are beneficial to your life and your goals. And I help you become aware of new perspectives on your life and potentially new ways of doing things. Here are common areas that you may want to improve in your life with my support and guidance.

  • Impactful Communication

  • Executive Functioning Skills

  • Focus and Concentration

  • Motivation and Goal Setting

  • Stress Management

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Conversational Skills

  • Health and Life Style Change

  • Relationship Building

Why Work With Me

I am committed to helping other people grow and achieve their goals. Here are some of the areas I focus on with you.

  • Find solutions, build skills, and resolve real time challenges faster by working with me

  • Manage work/life balance and stressors

  • Develop the ability to see problems differently & devise better solutions

  • Identify specific steps to maximize your well-being

  • Learn strategies to build resilience and decrease burnout

Leadership & Neurodiversity

Women leaders

I help women leaders who are successful externally but struggling internally. Women stressed to the max, on the verge of burn-out, and who want to stop consuming alcohol or engaging in other unhealthy habits and behaviors because they are impacting their personal and professional lives. After spending nearly three decades working in leadership and counseling positions in the non-profit sector, I know the damage that stress, and burnout can do to over-achievers.

Neurodiverse adults

Navigating your professional and personal life as a neurodivergent man or woman is exhausting and draining. I assist you in developing skills such as executive functioning, emotional regulation, and effective communication to live a full life without having to mask every day.